Pasadena City College recognizes that harassment, exclusion from school activities, and other forms of discrimination can interfere with LGBTQ+ students’ and employee’s access to a safe and inclusive learning and working environment. Students and employees are protected against discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Staff or employees who believe that they have experienced discrimination on the basis of their gender identity or sex, can file a complaint with the college's Title IX Coordinator by phone, email, mail, in person, or via the online report form

LGBTQIA+ students and employees have the right to:

  • Use locker rooms and restrooms consistent with a student’s or employee’s gender identity
  • Not be discriminated against, disciplined, or treated differently on the basis of their gender identity or sexual orientation
  • Not be compelled to provide personal and medical information to college officials, and college officials must not disclose personal information about a transgender student or employee (e.g. sex assigned at birth, medical history, gender identity, or gender transition) without their consent
  • Amend student educational records to reflect legal documents, if the records are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy, according to FERPA
The Pride Center

The Pride Center at Pasadena City College aims to create an inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty. They offer an array of resources and services, including information about how to request a name change. 

Safe Zones at PCC
The PCC Safe Zone Coalition training identifies, educates, and supports allies of the LGBTQIA+ community. To find a Safe Zone Ally, or to learn more, visit the Safe Zones website.
Queer Alliance
Queer Alliance is a safe, supportive, and discrimination-free place for LGBTQ+(Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, etc.) and allied communities and individuals on campus. To learn more, contact contact or (626) 585-7384 or visit the Quest Alliance website.

Inclusive Bathrooms

PCC continues to grow the number and availability of all-gender and single-stall restrooms on campus. Currently, employees and students can access the following single-stall restrooms.

  • CA Building – Basement Level
  • R Building – 1st Floor, exterior
  • V Building – 2nd Floor

Title IX Protects LGBTQIA+ Students and Employees

Staff, students, or faculty who believe that they have experienced discrimination or harassment against them because they identify as LGBTQIA+, or on the basis of their gender identity or sex, can file a complaint with the college's Title IX Coordinator by phone, email, mail, in person, or via the online report form.

File a Report
